Business News | Page 10

Scope of possible indexation of pensions of working pensioners
Russian market has updated its historical maximum
Ruble showed steady growth against dollar and euro
Novak allowed start of supplies of petroleum products to Belarus through Russia
Novak said he was confident in implementation of Nord Stream 2 with EU support
Russians traveling abroad owe more than 1.6 trillion
Gazprom responded to rumors about resignation of Alexei Miller
Croatia hit Russia’s gas dominance in Europe
China renounced its status as world’s main trash superpower
Bitcoin helped take off a cryptocurrency with Russian roots
Bitcoin was prophesied a price of 100 thousand dollars
Hit on Huawei turned out to be a failure for Sweden
Main rules of profitable currency exchange have been
Most noble profession in Russia has been
Bitcoin price for fifth time updated its historical maximum in a couple of days
A way to get out of situation with certification of Nord Stream 2 was
Bitcoin takes fourth record in a day
Size of pension of Santa Claus is revealed
Russian spending on New Year skyrocketed
Norwegian company refused to certify Nord Stream 2
Transit of Russian gas through Ukraine collapsed
United States hit largest mobile operators in China
Gazprom failed to sell gas to China
Europe bought record low gas
Europeans bought a million electric vehicles
Oil and gas production collapsed in Russia
Economist predicted a rise in prices for an important product
Russians will be disclosed size of their future pension
Serbia explains benefits from Turkish Stream
Lawyer named necessary actions when money is found on street
A tax on deposits over a million began to operate in Russia
Funded pension frozen in Russia
Benefits of Turkish Stream for Serbia
Serbia launches continuation of Turkish Stream
Russia: minimum wage and living wage have been increased
Republicans refused to “help poor” and give Americans money
Belarus agreed on oil supplies from Azerbaijan
AMK will assist in investigation of causes of an industrial accident
Economist explained consequences of “unprecedented” US sanctions for Russia
Estimated change in ruble exchange rate at end of 2020
Rise in pasta prices that outraged Putin accelerated
Opening of continuation of “Turkish Stream” postponed to next year
Belarus received money from Russia on New Year’s Eve
Euro exchange rate rose
Multi-million dollar bonus paid to CEO of General Electric sparks scandal
Mir card holders will receive 5 percent cashback at BILLA supermarkets
Russians began to keep savings in less
Most profitable investments of year are