Live brazil updates

Judicial vice is tightening around Jair Bolsonaro, exiled in United States
Old “Foch” aircraft carrier flowed in Atlantic Ocean, off coast of Brazil
Brazil: Lula says he is convinced that Jair Bolsonaro “prepared coup” January 8
Amazon: Faced with scourge of illegal gold panning, Yanomamis receive support from Brazilian state
Brazil: candidate supported by Lula re -elected president of Senate
Former president of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro promises to remain active in politics
Former Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro requests an additional six-month visa to stay in United States
Angoulême 2023 festival: golden bell awarded to “the color of things” by Martin Panchaud
Amazon forest is destroyed at an unprecedented rate under effect of human activities
French Cup: PSG leaves no chance to amateurs of US Cassel country, before finding Marseille
Hand world: Blues approach quarters on flawless
Brazil: Lula Limoge chief of staff of Army, two weeks after riots of Brasilia
Slodes of Brasilia: nearly third of 1,400 prisoners presented in provisional freedom
Crisis between Colombia and Guatemala after questioning of former anti -corruption judge
After riots in Brazil, hunt for insurgents continues on social networks
Lula returns forty soldiers assigned to Alvorada Palace, presidential residence
Brazil: “Place des Trois-Pouvoirs, in Brasilia, is not condemned to become cemetery of democracy”
Jair Bolsonaro “deplores” Brasilia’s insurrections, during discussion with sympathizers
Sail: five competitors, seven stages, 60,000 km through most inhospitable seas, Ocean Race is launched
Dakar: Qatari Nasser al-Attiyah wins fifth auto title
Brazil: Lula’s challenges in republic in pieces
Brazil: Anderson Torres, former Minister of Justice of Jair Bolsonaro, was arrested
Peru: stop spiral of violence
Brazil: Jair Bolsonaro now included in investigation into attempt to insurre extreme right
Death of François Roussely, former boss of EDF
US may prohibit import of Apple Watch due to patent violation
Attempt at insurrection in Brazil: military police accused of collusion with putschists
Israel sanctions Palestinian authority after vote in UN on occupation
Brazil: in aftermath of insurrection attempt, Brasilia between amazement and repression
Noël Le Graët presents his “apologies” to Zidane for his controversial remarks
Christmas Le Graët evokes Zinédine Zidane sharply: “I wouldn’t even have taken him on phone”
Brazil: hundreds of Bolsonaro supporters invade exterior of Congress
Gilberto Gil and opera, bet won
Surfer of Big Brazilian waves Marcio Freire dies in Nazaré, Portugal
“The position of President Lula is that of dialogue” with Putin
“I come to say goodbye and thank you”: thousands of fans of Pelé flock to Santos for his funeral vigil
Death of Pelé: images of funeral vigil in honor of legend of football
For inhabitants of Santos, “Pelé was legend that has never forgotten his roots”
Lula, Phoenix of Brazilian policy, invested president of reconciliation
Brazil: Lula was invested president for third time
Brasilia: supporters of Jair Bolsonaro persist in their denial of defeat
After death of Pelé, many tributes on grounds across Europe
Venezuela: opposition votes to end “temporary presidency” of Juan Guaido
Pelé, last return to Santos, city where he builds his legend
Ligue 1: Marseille climbs on podium, Lens slowed down in Nice
“The break between Brazilians and their football team is huge”
United States: New York justice is investigating an elected representative of Congress who “embellished” his CV
Pantin, former college transformed into creation courtyard