Telegram Founder, Pavel Durov, has reiterated the company’s commitment to protecting confidentiality and freedom of speech, even if it means leaving markets where local laws contradict these principles or where technologically impossible requirements are imposed. Speaking on his channel, Durov gave examples of countries like China, Iran, and Russia, which have previously banned Telegram due to its fundamental position on human rights. He emphasized that although these events are regrettable, they are still preferable to the betrayal of users and the principles of the company.
The messenger is currently facing a challenge in Brazil, where the court has requested data that Telegram cannot technically provide. Reflecting on this situation, Durov noted that Telegram will not compromise on its users’ right to the confidentiality of personal correspondence. In light of this, the messenger has appeared the decision on blocking and continues to defend its commitment to protecting its users’ privacy.
Telegram is a widely used instant messaging app renowned for its encryption services and its high level of security. Its user base includes journalists, activists, and whistleblowers who rely on the messenger’s confidentiality to conduct their work free from suppression and censorship.
Durov, in concluding his statement, affirmed that maintaining privacy and freedom of speech is at the core of Telegram’s mission. The company, he said, will continue to protect these values and operate in a way that guarantees its users’ privacy and security.
Telegram is constantly pushing the boundaries on the protection of users’ privacy and security. In this vein, the company has refused to compromise its values in Brazil, where the court has requested user data that it cannot technically provide. Users worldwide will be hoping the messenger continues to uphold its principles even in the face of such challenges.