Michel Houellebecq, radicalization on far right of successful writer

The author recently engaged in the journal “Front Populaire”, denouncing the loss of the identity of the French, threatened by “Muslims”. His drift appears all the more sincere since he speaks in a cross and friendly interview with Michel Onfray, the founder of this publication.

by Marc-Olivier Bherer

Analysis. Michel Houellebecq is familiar with the controversy, his novels paint a dark and creaky portrait of French society. The anti -demismism of the characters or the frank rejection of Islam staged in Submission (Flammarion, 2015) can be from the license of the writer. He nevertheless uses, like others, his notoriety to intervene regularly in the public debate, which comes to cut down any literary distance. In a recent special issue of the Revue Front Populaire (“end of the West?”, 144 pages, 13.90 euros), he delivers, without eyeshadow, his observations on the social and political situation of France. The virulence of the subject marks an additional step in the radicalization on the far right of a successful author. This drift appears all the more sincere since the writer is expressed in a cross and friendly interview with the essayist and founder of this publication, Michel Onfray, also obsessed with “the fall of Christianity” and by the idea that The French, who cultivate “self -use”, are accomplices of the loss of their identity.

According to the discussion, Michel Houellebecq does not give up, France is lost, its decline is inevitable, the fault returns to a modernity “which generates its own destruction”. The “big replacement”, “is not a theory, it is a fact”. Admittedly, there is no hatching in high places, says Michel Houellebecq, but a “transfer” of population from Africa, where births are numerous. This alleged overflow pours out without difficulty in Europe, because “in matters of immigration no one controls anything”. Nevertheless, “what we can already see is that people are moving”. “Acts of resistance will take place”, “Bataclans upside down” targeting “mosques” as well as “cafes frequented by Muslims”. For the moment, the French only want “Muslims” “to stop flying and attacking them”.

For Michel Houellebecq, the national start is still prevented by the fact that France remains “at the trailer of the United States”, contenting himself with importing the “woke” codes. Faced with this Servility, with the many “collaborators” which rampant at university, Michel Houellebecq comes to the conclusion that “our only chance of survival would be that white supremacism becomes” trendy “in the USA”.

“White supremacism”

This last sentence borrows from the vocabulary of female magazines, as if racism could simply be trendy. A form of distance is nevertheless installed by referring to the United States. “Michel Houellebecq motto throughout the interview without anyone knowing if he is serious or if he devotes himself once to provocation, notes Jean-Yves Pranchère, professor of political theory at university Free from Brussels, specialist in reactionary philosophy. He presents himself as a spirit which is aware of the decadence of his time and his own decadence, but which believes in the purgative power of violence, without assuming it, since it In leaving the charge to others, the French who arm, the Americans. A threshold has nevertheless been crossed: a bond is established with white supremacism. “

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/Media reports cited above.