In the distant outskirts of the solar system, so far from the famous planets that the sun is barely distinguishable against the background of the nearest stars, perhaps a massive ice world awaits its discovery by humanity.

This day can come soon thanks to the latest telescope, which will begin to scan the sky next year.

Eight planets are officially recognized in the solar system: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. However, in recent years, astronomers proposed a hypothesis about the existence of the ninth planet, unofficially called “Planet nine“, which can hide at the farthest borders of our cosmic surroundings.

This is not Pluto that was reduced in status from the planet to the dwarf planet in 2006. Scientists believe that Planet Nine is a gas or ice giant located at a distance of billions of miles from other planets. If it exists, this can change our understanding of the origin and evolution of the solar system. Astronomers predicted the size of this hypothetical planet, its remoteness, and even location in orbit around the Sun. However, Planet Nine has not been found yet.

But the hunting for the potential ninth planet of the solar system may soon end. With the planned launch in 2025 Observatory named after Vera Rubin, equipped with advanced tools for observing distant objects, astronomers will receive unprecedented opportunities for the final identification or refutation of the existence of Planet Nine. Due to its exceptional sensitivity and a wide review, the new observatory will be able to carefully search for this mysterious body over the next few years, either confirming its discovery or ending years of disputes around this intriguing

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.