Russia with an unknown goal renamed its corvettes

Two Corvette Corvette 20380 and 20386 are renamed, TASS reports, referring to sources in the shipbuilding industry.

Interlocutors said that the Corvette “Right” project of 20380 became known as “Mercury”, and Corvette “Mercury” of the project 20386 returned the former name “daring”.

The renaming initiative of ships, according to sources, belongs to the Chief Command of the Navy (Navy) of Russia. “The goal of such renaming is unknown,” the agency notes.

In June, the National Interest edition wrote that the Russian Corvettes of the 50386 type “Mercury” may face the same problems as American coastal combat ships Freedom and Independence types. Among the problems that may accompany the construction of a promising Russian ship, are called consumption of funds and technical malfunctions. In particular, it is said about the unsuccessful choice of motor installation, the non-optimal design of the radar system and the insufficient combat capability of Corvette.

Descent on the water of the head corvette “Mercury” of the project 20386 took place in March. When bookmarking in October 2016, this Corvette received the name “daring”. In April 2019, when docking the blocks of the case, the ship was called “Mercury”.

Corvette “Right” project 20380 is laid in February 2015. Launched on the water in March 2020.

/Media reports.