Trojan Browsers Abduct Russians’ Cryptocurrency via Tor

Analysts at the Kaspersky laboratory have reported that they have recorded the emergence of a new trojan horse program called ClipboardInjector, which specifically targets users of encrypted anonymous network connections. Known as a “troll network,” these connections are supposed to provide a high level of privacy and untraceability, but the ClipboardInjector trojan horse allows attackers to gain access to the data being transferred by a user without detection.

The ClipboardInjector trojan operates by injecting itself into the clipboard of the user’s system, which then allows it to copy the data being transferred onto the troll network to the attacker’s system. This can include, for example, sensitive financial and personal data, such as cryptocurrency wallets or passwords.

The ClipboardInjector is written mainly in programming languages C, C++, and Python, which are commonly used in creating such malware. According to Kaspersky, the trojan’s programming is sophisticated and difficult to detect, which can make it more dangerous.

Users of troll networks are advised to be extra cautious when transferring sensitive data and to use additional security measures, such as two-factor authentication, to secure their information. Additionally, installing and regularly updating anti-virus software can help to protect systems from this and other forms of malware.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.