Foreign Ministry will check information about detention of Russians in Minsk

The Russian Embassy in Belarus will check the information about the detention of Russians in Minsk. This is reported on the office page in twitter . It is noted that the embassy staff are “in contact in Belarusian law enforcement”.

before that it became known that the Governments of Belarus were likely to detained the girl the creator of the Telegram channel Nexta Roman Protasevich, who flew with him on board an emergency landed in Minsk aircraft Ryanair. Estimated detainee is a citizen of Russia. According to human rights defenders, the girl of the Belarusian opposition activist, directed to Vilnius, did not reach the end point of its route.

Previously, the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Maria Zakharov commented on the situation with the forced landing of the aircraft in Minsk.

On May 23, the airline Ryanair, who followed the route Athena-Vilnius, made an emergency landing in Minsk after mining reports. On board Roman Protasevich was detained. The head of international diplomacy of the European Union Jozep Borrel demanded an international investigation of an incident with a forced landing of an aircraft.

/Media reports.