Book “PostgreSQL 15 from inside” was published in public domain

Postgres Professional announced the publication in the public domain “PostgreSQL 15 from the inside” (PDF, 663 pages). The author of the book is Egor Rogov, director of educational programs Postgres Professional. The book discusses the PostgreSQL device in detail, which makes it possible for administrators and developers to understand the DBMS internal mechanics. The book will also be useful for those who are well acquainted with the device of another DBMS, but switch to postgreSQL and want to figure out the differences.

The printed circulation is already preparing for release and will see the light in January 2023. The first edition, based on the 14th version of PostgreSQL, was released in March 2022. The renewed publication took into account readers’ comments, fixed typos, and also reflected changes that occurred in the PostgreSQL 15 version. Due to great reader interest, the company decided to translate the book into English. At the moment, the translation is almost over: out of five parts, four are freely available, and the final fifth is expected at the beginning of next year.

/Media reports cited above.