Serviceman raped in presidential palace in Paris

Police in France investigates the case of rape, which, presumably, was committed in the summer at the Presidential Charming Palace, writes Associated Press with reference to the Paris Prosecutor’s Office.

According to the office of President France Emmanuel Macgron, the serviceman accused the soldier in rape. Both were placed in the Champs Elysa Palace and served in a part engaged in delicate government issues, most of whom were classified or completely secret.

As the Liberation newspaper writes, the incident occurred after a farewell admission for general and two more people on July 1. The event was also attended by the head of state. He said a few words after the start of reception and left around 22:00. Some of those present then left the Elysees Palace and moved to the premises of the Personal Military Headquarters of the President. As the sources noted, the woman was raped in a strict regime building, which is part of the presidential complex.

The investigation began on July 12. The man was questioned as a witness. Now he has already been charged. He is fired from service.

The wide publicity has received against the background of the popularity of #metoo movement on the Internet and growing efforts to combat sexual violence in France. The founder of the French group of assist victims of Susie Rothman believes that rape can occur anywhere in any socio-economic environment. “Even in the safest places,” she emphasized.

In October, the Independent Commission on Incestor and Sexual Violence for Children told about dozens of thousands of raped children. According to the organization, in the republic, 22 thousand children are exposed to sexual violence from their fathers.

/Media reports.