Live china updates

In Russian Foreign Ministry revealed threat outgoing from Aukus
In United States appreciated prospects for ban cryptocurrency
Biden and Si Jinping will hold summit
Lithuania called on EU to deprive China “geopolitical trump card” in region
Planet ship from China spent 1000 days on moon
Bitcoina rate took off to 55 thousand dollars
Afghan rebels offered Taliban to talk in Tajikistan
A delegation from French senators arrived in Taiwan despite Chinese protests
A quick Chinese detective explained Uigur torture
Foreign special services executed and arrested dozens of agents of CIA
United States announces holding 3,750 nuclear heads
Poland: development of China and “Northern Stream-2” challenges for NATO
Biden discussed Taiwan with Xi Jinpin
Poor country turned into largest crypton
Revelation about refusal of Russia to help United States with a fuel crisis
United States called on to keep a security dialogue with Russia and China
Emmanuel Macron and Antony Blinken shared a “long-to-head” to “restore confidence”
Bitcoin rate exceeded 50 thousand dollars
Japan supported creation of Aukus Military Alliance
China accused United States in undermining of peace and stability due to situation with Taiwan
There was hope for cessation of US Trade War and China
Dangerous consequences of high blood pressure
Course Bitcoin Grose
US faced energy crisis
Rejected accusations of non-compliance with Russia of nuclear testing contract
China: thousands were evacuated due to flooding
Russia started talking about risk of exhaustion of gold reserves
Reason for suspension of bidding of one of largest developers of China
In Hong Kong, trade in shares of one of largest developers has been suspended
China: predicted appearance of a new “virus x”
Military aircraft flew at US airbag in Afghanistan
Afghanistan: a suicide battalion was created
Chinese residents declared Putin world sex symbol
In UN, they expressed hope of vaccinating from Coronavirus whole world by end of 2022
A new obstacle to restoration of global economy
Main danger cryptocurrency
China sent 25 military aircraft to Taiwan airspace
Course Bitcoin took off
Ryabkov announced threats due to transfer of Australia American submarines
China showed look of sixth generation fighter
China described consequences of nuclear strike of Europe in Russia
In Britain, they launched a drone from aircraft carrier
Russia predicted record sales abroad
Russia: lambered in presence of hypersonic missiles in DPRK
Europe to become independent of China
Central Banks were afraid of their own projects
Huawei will launch a smartphone for women
Foreign Ministry spoke on decision of Czech Republic to remove Russia and PRC from construction of a nuclear power plant