New version of musical player Deadbeef 1.9.0

available release of the music player deadbee 1.9.0 . The player is written in SI and can work with a minimum set of dependencies. The code is distributed under the Zlib license. The interface is built using the GTK library, supports tabs and can expand through widgets and plugins.

among capabilities: automatic transcoding of text encoding in tags, equalizer, support of Cue files, a minimum of dependencies, the ability to control the command line or from the system tray, The ability to load and display covers, the built-in tag editor, flexible opportunities to display the desired fields in the list of compositions, support for streaming Internet radio, reproduction mode without pauses, the presence of plugin for transcoding content.

The main changes:

  • Added support for HTTPS, implemented in transferred assemblies using LIBMBEDTLS. Loading from Last.FM is transferred by default to https.
  • Added support for rewinding in long files for OPUS and FFMPEG formats.
  • Added “Design mode” for the interface based on the Framwar Cocoa.
  • A new visualization of the spectrum and oscillogram analyzer is proposed.
  • Added a panel with visualization settings.
  • deleted files with translations for Russian and Belorussian languages.
  • A new loader of album covers is proposed.
  • In the context menu, the possibility of setting up the volume control scale (DB, Linear, Cubic).
  • Added GTK interface for editing in the tabular form of fields in several selected tracks at once.
  • The “+” button is added to the playback list to create a new playback list.
  • In the GTK interface, DSP settings are improved
  • Improved processing of incorrect mp3 files.

/Media reports.