Scientists warned about risk of Hong Kong flu epidemic

American scientists warned that in this epideseason in the northern hemisphere can dominate the H3N2 flu strain (Hong Kong), write “Izvestia”.

It is noted that this option was not part of the Vaccine Opported by the World Health Organization (WHO) for this region. However, in the Central Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor, they noted that circulating now and vaccine viruses relate to one genetic group and differ slightly.

According to the head of the laboratory of molecular diagnosis and epidemiology of infections of the respiratory tract of the Central Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor Svetlana Yatsyshina, cases of infection of flu viruses A (H3N2) are registered since the summer of last year in the USA, India, Australia, Kenya, UAE, Nepal, Singapore, Norway, Netherlands, Sweden, as well as Russia. He noted that all common options for Hong Kong flu are one genetic group and a subgroup for which Bangladeshsky is considered reference strains (A / BANGLADESH / 4005/2020) and Stockholm (A / stockholm / 5/2021).

The preparation for the Northern Hemisphere to the current epidemic season WHO recommended include the Combodian strain, which refers to the same genetic group, but another subgroup. “That is, circulating now and vaccine viruses belong to one genetic group, distinguishing with some mutations, leading to the replacement of amino acids,” said Yatsyshina.

/Media reports.