Russian doctors named amount of alcohol safe for body

When drinking alcohol, not every day there is a safe dose for every type of alcohol. A doctor, psychiatrist-narcologist told about her Alexander Ogorodnikov , reports “Reedus” .

According to Ogorodnikov, you can drink a bottle of weak beer, a glass of dry wine or champagne, 45 grams of vodka, brandy or other strong drink – this amount does not pose any danger to the body.

He added that due to physiological characteristics, women suffer from alcohol more than men. Ogorodnikov explained that the female body has 10 percent less water and any dose of alcohol will be more toxic, since the breakdown of alcohol is slower.

He added that the term hangover is incorrect in relation to every case of alcohol poisoning, because in the morning only “inveterate drunkards” suffering from alcoholism will experience it. The rest develop asthenic syndrome due to intoxication. In this case, you need to intensively drink mineral water, eat borscht, drink half a glass of cabbage juice and multivitamins.

Psychiatrist-narcologist Alexey Kazantsev believes that some alcohol leads to intoxication faster. So, sweet and carbonated alcohol intoxicates faster and more often causes headaches. Cognac or whiskey lead to more severe poisoning than vodka due to tannins. The specialist recommended not to buy alcohol at unauthorized outlets so as not to buy a fake.
