Lyon, chiefs of jurisdiction announce deletions of hearings and create user committee

By delivering a common speech during their solemn school year on Tuesday, President Michaël Janas and prosecutor Nicolas Jacquet, are concerned with a rupture with the litigants, for lack of being able to honor their missions.

by Richard Schittly (Lyon, correspondent)

Strong the spirits, raise awareness of the chancellery and reconquer the confidence of the public. Michaël Janas, President of the Lyon Judicial Court, and the public prosecutor Nicolas Jacquet symbolically decided to break the tradition, on the occasion of the back -to -school hearing, Tuesday January 17 in Lyon, to attract attention to The situation “close to the rupture” of the third French jurisdiction, after Paris and Bobigny. Unlike the established protocol order, which would like the presentation of the Prosecutor to follow the President’s speech, in often agreed terms, the two heads of jurisdiction have chosen to give a common speech, by distributing the word in turn of role. In this unprecedented exercise, the prosecutor remained seated, to better emphasize the gravity of the subject.

Starting from the observation that they lack seventeen magistrates at the headquarters and the prosecution, or 10 % of their overall workforce, president and prosecutor announced that they suppressed twenty-eight civil and criminal audiences during the first quarter , which represents around 5 % of the activity of the street court serves. “We want to adjust our jurisdictional activity to the news of our means,” explained the two high magistrates, faced with the personalities present at the solemn audience, more numerous than usual.

According to them, the lack of staff even more strongly affects transplants, with around 20 % of missing judicial civil servants. “In the context of the 3,000 and exhaustion tribune of our teams, a risk of final loss of the meaning of our action, and especially the quality of the justice rendered, we can no longer continue to position ourselves on All fronts and to carry out new actions without the means preceding action, “said MM. Janas and Jacquet, referring to the call of 3,000 magistrates published on November 23, 2021 by MO12345lemonde, following the suicide of a young judge.

evaluation tools

The two leaders of the Lyon jurisdiction have recognized “considerable efforts (…) undeniably made and announced by the State to strengthen the means of justice”, but they say they are confronted with a return to school which “never has been also rough and complex “, and note:” These essential means registered in the five -year period are not yet there. “According to the two magistrates, the multiplication of reforms and new missions, concerning minors, divorces, violence Conjugal, the control of psychiatric hospitalizations, as well as the application of sentences, causes saturation which now compromises “the meaning” of their profession. A video, broadcast before their speech, recalled the increase in the volume of activity of the court, with 80 cases oriented per day, for each magistrate of the prosecution, 870 minors followed by each cabinet of children’s judge, or even 117 files per judge instruction.

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/Media reports cited above.