Constituency: cohabitation thwarted between mayors and RN deputies

If almost all mayors do not boycott the new far-right deputies, others, larger municipalities, are strongly imposed on a “health cord” in the constituency.

By Clément Guillou

Where did the wreath go? This Monday, August 8, Christophe Barthès, deputy national rally (RN) of the Aude, does not find his name on the twenty flowery bouquets deposited at the foot of the stele of the Resistance of Trassanel. We honor that day the martyrs of the Maquis de la Montagne Noire, in the north of his constituency. Grave mines, standard bearer in salvation: the ceremony begins, without the wreath of the deputy. The investigation is carried out: someone said the florist to drop her off in front of the maquisard cave, from the ceremony. Mr. Barthès sees it as mean than a mistake. Since three RN deputies have been elected in this socialist department, some local policies have taken their lively life.

Letters remain unanswered, invitations to ceremonies hardly arrive. The deputy distributes the medals of the assembly, but some have the shameful decoration: “If we could not publish a photo …” For November 11, the sub-prefect had to slip between the mayor of Trèbes and the deputy for Salle the atmosphere – the two men ignore each other. “These people do not manage to digest, thinks Mr. Barthès. But they can do what they want: since June, the health cord has farted!”

It is not only on the land of the Aude that the election of 89 far -right deputies passes difficult. Admittedly, overall, the elected officials say they are very well received and see it as a sign of their normalization. “It was more complicated five years ago, evaluated Sébastien Chenu, RN vice-president of the National Assembly. Of 36 municipalities, I have difficulties with three mayors. There will always be very ideologized people who are activists Before being elected from the Republic. “The Northern MP, who regularly consults neoteputies, judges that difficult cohabitations concern around 10 % of mayors.

” The mayor does not make politics ”

In Eure, where the RN broke down without warning in the political landscape with four out of five deputies, Jean-Paul Legendre wants to guarantee the “temperance culture” in the area. The president of the association of mayors of the Eure judges these new discreet elected officials, courteous, sometimes left, recognizable by the tricolor scarf they carry to the war memorial as to the inauguration of a hair salon. Member of the Macronist departmental majority, he believes that “excluding them would strengthen a feeling of victimization very present in the population”.

The mayors then manage with their conscience and their will or not to go to the standoff with the deputy. Should I invite the RN deputy only to patriotic ceremonies, or also to the banquet of the old ones and the inauguration of the health house? Should we give him the floor? Should we accept his proposal for an appointment at the town hall, even a visit to the National Assembly? “After the duty of amazement, we remembered that we were all elected by saying that the mayor does not make a policy, says Legendre. He is a conciliator, respectful of the institutions.”

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/Media reports cited above.