Fedora assemblies with an installer based on Web interface have begun

project Fedora announced about the formation of experimental fedora 37 assemblies, equipped with an ANACONDA processed installer In which, instead of an interface based on the GTK library, a Web interface is proposed. The new interface allows interaction through a Web browser, which significantly increases the convenience of remote installation control, which cannot be compared with the old solution based on the VNC protocol. Size ISO-image 2.3 GB (x86_64).

The development of a new installer has not yet been completed and not all conceived opportunities have been implemented. As the innovations are added and errors, it is planned to produce updated assemblies reflecting the course of work on the project. Users are invited to evaluate a new interface and make constructive comments on its improvement. Of the already accessible opportunities, the form of choosing a language, an interface for selecting a disk for installation, automatic breakdown of sections on the disk, automatic installation of Fedora 37 WorkStation into the created section, a screen with a viewing of the installation parameter, a screen with an indicator of installation move, built -in certificate.

Web-interface is built on the basis of the project components Cockpit already used in the Red Hat products for adjusting and managing servers. Cockpit has been chosen as a well -established solution for which there is a backend for interacting with an installer (Anaconda DBUS). The use of Cockpit also made it possible to achieve uniformity and unify various components of the system control. When processing the interface, the results of the previously done work on increasing the modality of the installer were used – the main part of Anaconda was transformed into modules interacting through the API DBUS, and the new interface uses the finished API without internal processing.

/Media reports cited above.