Sunday, October 30, Brazilians and Brazilians vote for their future, after four years of hatred, lies, scientific negationism and the death of an unbearable number of our fellow citizens during the Pandemic of Covid-19. Brazilians and Brazilians must now choose a government that will defend democracy, peace, unity of our society and respect for the rights of each other, or prolong the experience of a power that has not stopped Isolate us and make us shame around the world.
After this long presidential campaign where I had the privilege of meeting millions of Brazilians and Brazilians and after having obtained nearly 57 million votes in the first round, on October 2, I have the conviction that Starting from the 1 er 2023 Brazil will become the country of all, and that it will appear on the international scene to contribute to the construction of a better world.
Today, climate urgency, the rise of inequalities and geopolitical tensions reveal the gravity of the crisis that affects our planet. Unfortunately, Jair Bolsonaro has continued to worsen this situation by practicing climate revisionism, undermining the institutions of our democracy and promoting intolerance. These characteristics of his government have made Brazil a new pariah on the international scene. It can no longer last.
Brazil, under my presidency, will again benefit from public policies aimed at improving the life of our people and inspiring strong initiatives in favor of environmental protection, in particular the Amazon, and the fight against poverty in the world.
My government will also reposition our country at the heart of international investments, in order to be able to create jobs and thus make the economy function again for the benefit of all the Brazilian people and not a few. “Credibility, predictability, stability” will be the motto of my government. I know that the situation of Brazil in 2022 is worse than that of 2002. But I have experience to govern in crisis: in 2003, I took up my duties with 10 % inflation, 12 % unemployment . Brazil then owed $ 30 billion in the International Monetary Fund (IMF) [more than 28 billion euros at the time]. At the end of my mandate, we had reservations estimated at more than $ 200 billion and we lent $ 15 billion to the IMF.
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