ChatGPT was an interview on Google as younger engineer-programmer Graid L3 with salary of $ 180 thousand

Google conducted an experiment with chat bots with AI as part of the last tests. The goal is to integrate these bots on the search engine. ChatGPT ability to give brief and exact answers to questions can save time users, which they usually spend on search on Google.

Tests showed that the ChatGPT neural networks successfully copes with the interview with the position of junior programmer. Google workers who occupy this position receive a salary of approximately 180 thousand dollars a year, which is equivalent to more than 1 million rubles a month.

The interview with Chatgpt passed through a written exchange of messages: the HR specialist asked questions and completed the tasks, and the chat bout answered without giving out his true origin, namely, that he is controlled by artificial intelligence. When asked about the replacement of living programmers AI, ChatGPT answered negatively. In his opinion, neural network technologies are useful only for solving certain problems and do not have critical thinking and creativity, which are characteristic of people.

“No, ChatGPT cannot replace programmers. ChatGPT is a tool that can be useful in solving specific problems, but cannot replace creativity, the ability to solve problems and critical thinking of the programmer. Also, so that ChatGPT works efficiently, needs human control and human control, and Management, ” – complemented the chat bout.

ChatGPT chat boot can write a program code at the level of beginners and correct someone else’s code. The operator, who gives the task of chatbot, does not need to have special knowledge, just determine the desired result of the program or algorithm. Some attackers began to use the capabilities of ChatGPT, ordering the spelling of viruses with specific actions, and the bot obediently gives them the desired code.

/Media reports cited above.