At the recent conference, Rencontres de Morior, the Atlas collaboration introduced the results of the latest testing of one of the key principles of the standard model of particles, known as the versatility of lepton aromas. The achieved accuracy is the highest among the results obtained by one experiment during the decay of the boson W, and exceeds the current average experimental indicator.

Most of the elementary particles can be classified into groups or families with similar properties. For example, the Lepton family includes an electron that forms a negatively charged cloud of particles around the nucleus of each atom, Muon, a heavier particle found in space rays, and Tau-Reton, an even heavier short-term particle found only in high energies. According to physicists, the only difference between these particles lies in their mass, which is formed due to their varying degrees of interaction with the fundamental field associated with the Higgs boson. In particular, a wonderful feature of the standard model is that each type of lepton, or “aroma”, is equally likely interacts with Bozone W , electrically charged carrier of weak interaction, one of the four fundamental forces of nature. This principle is known as the versatility of lepton aromas.

High-precision tests of the universality of lepton aromas obtained by comparing the boson’s decay speeds to electron and electronic neutrino, muon and muon neutrino or tau-ititron and tau-neutrino are sensitive probes for the search for physics outside the standard model. Indeed, if the versatility of lepton aromas is observed, these decay speeds should be equal (taking into account minor amendments depending on the mass).

This can be checked by measuring the ratio of the velocity of the decay of the bosone W on different lepton aromas. One of the problems associated with such measurements on a large adrone collider (tank) is the collection of a pure (“unexplored”) sample of bosons w.

In the article, published in the journal Nature Physics in 2021, Atlas reported the most precise In the world of measurement, the ratio of the ratio of the decay of the boson W to Tau-Reton compared to the speed of its decay into Muon, demonstrating that the collision events in which a pair of tops are produced provide a

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