Office slang: “offboarding” is just a goodbye

“In everything, it is the end that is essential”, proclaimed Aristotle in his poetics. However, the collective imagination only retains ends in business in a sloppy farewell: licensed employee carrying his business card the deflected mine, hypocritical starting pot based on lukewarm sparkle and embarrassed speeches …

“Offoarding” wants to be a solution to these bad departures: complementary to “onboarding” – Standardized strategy for the integration of young company recruits -, it designates the support of an employee on the point to sail towards other horizons, whether it is an end of fixed -term contract, a retirement or a dismissal.

Follow -up begins badly: the word literally designates the fact of “getting disembark”. “It is badly chosen, we should rather speak of a gentle landing, judge Jenny Gaultier, Director General of the Mercato de l’Emploi, a network of recruitment consultants. The watchword is to give a clear vision to the collaborator Who leaves. “

the pot!

The roadmap, simple and known to all, therefore results in a series of tasks, to be carried out for example during the month preceding the end of the contract. Internal communication is a good start: the one who leaves will notify his team, which will break taboos and will allow us to organize the continuation with less stress (passing of missions to successors, reassignment of tasks …).

The administrative aspect is not negligible: we must not forget anything, from the certificate pole employment to the access badge, without forgetting this humiliating reminder message which tells you that you will lose your access to the mailbox in twenty , fifteen, ten days …

An output interview, face-to-face and standardized, marks the end of the route. Please note, no question of golden parachute for some or plastic glider for others, landing package is the same for everyone: an official inventory, where the starter gives his opinion on the box, which offers him Back a “feedback”.

When the departure is forced, like a job safeguard plan (PSE), the employer can choose – Grand Lord – to offer a skills assessment. Obviously, the best was kept for the end: the pot! Everything, except organized in a hurry, he will stage all the colleagues of the one who leaves, in a framed timing: aperitifs, speeches, starting gift and a few dance steps.

network ambassadors

But what good would thank, for example, an employee dismissed for professional insufficiency or a brilliant young executive who spins the competitor? Offoto lovers respond in two words: employer brand. In the case of a bad start, the protocol can avoid a scandal and raise a reputation in danger. Marcel, snarling trade unionist, will be bought – sorry, congratulated – with a magnificent trip to the Galapagos Islands. The end justifies the means.

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/Media reports.