Release of distribution for Kali Linux security study 2022.2

presented the release of the distribution Kali Linux 2022.2 designed to test systems for vulnerabilities, audit, analysis of residual information and identify the consequences of attackers. All original achievements created within the distribution framework are distributed under the GPL license and are available through the public git-repository . To download prepared several ISO-images, size 471 MB, 2.8 GB, 3.5 GB and 9.4 GB . The assemblies are available for I386, X86_64, ARM (ARMHF and Armel, Raspberry Pi, Banana Pi, ARM Chromebook, Odroid). By default, the XFCE desktop is offered, but KDE, GNOME, MATE, LXDE and Enlightenment E17.

Kali includes one of the most complete collections of tools for specialists in the field of computer security: from means for testing web applications and penetrating into wireless Networks before reading data from identification RFID chips. The kit includes a collection of exploites and more than 300 specialized utilities for checking safety, such as Aircrack, Maltego, Saint, Kismet, Bluebugger, BTCRACK, BTSCANNER, NMAP, P0F. In addition, the distribution includes a means to accelerate passwords (Multihash Cuda Brute Forcer) and WPA keys (PYRIT) through the use of CUDA and AMD Stream technologies that allow the use of NVIDIA and AMD GPUs to perform computing operations.

In the new issue:

  • GNOME user environment is updated before release 42. The new release of the Dash-to-Dock panel is involved. Bright and dark topics were updated.

  • KDE Plasma desktop is updated to version 5.24.

  • The XFCE Tweak utility proposes the possibility of turning on a new simplified panel for ARM devices, which, unlike the XFCE standard panel, fits on small screens with low resolution (for example 800×480).
  • Added new pictograms for Evil-Winrm and Bloodhound programs, and icons for NMAP, FFUF and EdB-Debugger have been updated. In KDE and GNOME
    Own icons have been provided for specialized applications with a graphic interface.

/Media reports.