China Unveils Largest Quantum Computing Chip

Scientists from China have developed a quantum chip for 504 cubes, which will be available to researchers from around the world through a new cloud platform for quantum calculations.

The chip, known as “Xiahun,” is the largest ever created in China and aims to enhance the systems controlling the behavior and interaction of quantum bits in quantum computers, as reported by China Daily. The new chip is expected to boost the capabilities of existing quantum computers, enabling them to tackle more complex tasks.

“Xiahun” was developed by experts at the Center for Quantum Information and Quantum Physics, part of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). The Chinese quantum computing company, Quantumtek, which received the first “Xiahun” chip, will collaborate with Quantum group China Telecom to integrate the 504-cube chip into a new quantum computer. This system will then be accessible to researchers worldwide through the cloud platform for quantum calculations developed by China Telecom’s quantum group.

According to Uan Zhen, Deputy General Director of China Telecom’s quantum group, the new system will enable experts from various fields to conduct research on pressing issues and algorithms effectively, accelerating the practical application of quantum computing.

The “Xiahun” chip has been designed to meet the performance standards of cloud-supported quantum calculation platforms similar to those by IBM or AWS. However, it is not intended to compete technically with advanced US technologies, such as IBM Quantum Condor’s quantum chip for 1121 cubes, noted Gun Ming, a researcher from the Center for Quantum Information and Quantum Physics.

Instead, researchers anticipate that access to “Xiahun” via the cloud platform will facilitate the development of large-scale measurement and control systems in quantum computing (QcMCS).

Quantum computers operate based on fundamentally different principles than classical computers. Unlike classical bits, which can only be in states of 0 or 1, cubes can exist in multiple states simultaneously. This unique feature allows quantum computers to perform parallel calculations at incredible speeds when the cubes are interconnected through quantum entanglement.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.