Issue Chrome OS 101

available the release of the operating system Chrome OS 101 , based on the Linux nucleus, system manager, EBUILD/Portage assembly tools, open components and Chrome 101 WEB-Browser. , instead of standard programs, web applications are involved, nevertheless, the Chrome OS includes a full-fledged multi-window interface, desktop and taskbar. The assembly of Chrome OS 101 is available for the majority relevant models chromebook. source texts Distribute under the free license Apache 2.0. In addition, Chrome OS Flex testing is continuing, the editorial office for Chrome OS on ordinary computers. Enthusiasts are also are formed unofficial assemblies for ordinary computers with processors x86, x86_64 and ARM.

changes Chrome OS 101 :

  • The network recovery mode is implemented (NBR, Network Based Recovery), which allows you to install a new version of Chrome OS and update the firmware in case of damage to the system and the impossibility of loading without the need for local connection to another device. The mode is available for most Chrome OS devices released after April 20.
  • To load and install updates of firmware for peripheral devices, the FWUPD tools are also used, also used in most Linux distributions. Instead of automatic installation of updates, a user interface is provided, which allows the update when the user considers it necessary.
  • The environment for launching Linux applications (Crostini) is updated to Debian 11 (Bullseye). Debian 11 is still offered only for new Crostini installations, and old users remain on Debian 10, but when they launch, they will be displayed to update the environment to the new version. The update can also be initiated through the configurator. To simplify the diagnosis of problems in the Downloads catalog, the log with information on the course of update is now saved.
  • I improved the interface of the program for working with the camera. In the left toolbar, access to options is simplified and clearly shows which modes and opportunities are currently included or not active. In the settings tab, the readability of parameters has been improved and the search is simplified.
  • In the program for conducting handwritten notes Cursive, a canvas blocking is proposed, which allows you to control the availability of panoraming and scale of canvas, for example, to protect against random movements while working on a note. The locking of the canvas is turned on through the menu and turns off through the button in the upper part.
/Media reports.