“exhausting” worry of pregnant women in Ukraine

Video has mykolav maternity in southern Ukraine, the danger is omnipresent for pregnant women who are waiting to give birth. The concern about the risk of bombing is “mentally exhausting”, testifies to one of them.

“Do you worry about both for you and your baby,” says Alina Bondarenko, lying on mykolav’s motherhood bed. She has just given birth to her child, marked by the concern that Russians do not bomb the medical facility. “We witnessed cases where bombing continued despite the red cross painted on the roof,” says Andriy Hryvanov, the Chief Medical Officer of Maternity.

“No convention is respected”, is the caregiver. Maternity patients multiply back and forth between floors and basement, where they are safe as soon as the aerial alert sirens resound. But when the time to give birth rings, future mothers must go up, and thus become more vulnerable to Russian attacks. “Our staff tries to perform the operations as soon as possible and put heavy curtains to the windows to mitigate the light” and not to be noticed from the Russian army, explains Andriy Hryvanov.

These precautions are essential because everyone in mykolav’s motherhood heard about the attack of Maroupol, March 9th. A pregnant woman lost her life and her baby is dead, according to the information reported by the American Press News Agency. Alina Bondarenko fears that the scenario is repeated. “If we are affected by a missile, there will be nothing more,” she worries, while his companion rocks his newborn.

/Media reports.