Doctor said causing cancer

Pharmacist Hussein Abda called the product causing product. His words transmits the Express newspaper.

The doctor stated that the use of salty fish provokes gastric cancer or colon. “Such seafood is popular in the countries of Southeast Asia, where it is often used as a supplement to other dishes or pics, as well as hot dogs, recycled meat and salami, are referred to as the first category carcinogens,” the specialist clarified.

He explained that the salting for canning fish leads to the formation of by-products that increase the likelihood of the development of cancer. Abda recommended not to abuse salty, pickled and smoked food, as it is associated with an increased risk of cancer.

Earlier, the main profilactologist of the URFO, the doctor of medical sciences Sergey Tokarev called the implicit sign of blood cancer. According to Tokareva, the marker of the presence of cancer in the absence of ARVI, infections and other inflammatory processes can be a high level of ESP (erythrocyte sedimentation speed).

/Media reports.