India: passenger train came down with rails

In West Bengal, in the east of India, a passenger train has come off the rails. It is reported by NDTV.

According to the television channel, at least five cars made up from the railway tracks. As a result, dozens of people turned out to be blocked in inverted wagons. It is noted that at least three people were killed and more than twenty suffered due to the accident. Causes of train departments are set.

At the moment there is a rescue operation at the scene. Heavyly wounded citizens will pay compensation in the amount of one hundred thousand rupees (about 1.3 thousand dollars), and easily injured – 25 thousand rupees (about 330 dollars). The families of the dead passengers will receive 500 thousand rupees (about 6.7 thousand dollars).

September 26 reported that more than 50 people were injured in the gathering of a passenger train with rails in Montana to the United States. At the time of the crash, it was about 150 passengers and 13 crew members. As a result of the accident, three people died.

/Media reports.