Results of NGO Energomash in 2021

Liquid rocket engine development and production of NGO Energomash (included in the state corporation “Roskosmos”) for 12 months of 2021 were used in 24 of the 25 Russian space orbital launches on the launch vehicles of the Soyuz-2 families, Proton M “and” Angara “. All starts are successful. In addition, in 2021, the RD-180 engines provided four starts of American atlas-5 carrier missiles, and the RD-181 is two starts of American carrier missiles “Antares”. Total, in 30 starts successfully worked a hundred and thirty engines for the development and production of NGO Energomash.

NGO Energomash engines have brought such unique payloads to space as the Hydrometeorological complex “Arctic-M”, a multi-purpose laboratory module of the Russian segment of the International Space Station “Science”, a transport pilotable ship “Union MS-19” in the framework of the scientific and educational project “Challenge”, as well as foreign spacecraft of the Mobile Satellite Communication OneWeb, Lucy spacecraft for the study of the Trojan asteroids of Jupiter.

In February 2021, the creation of a motor construction holding headed by NGO Energomash was completed. The perimeter of the integrated structure includes Kubchimmash them. A.M. Isaev. In a single holding, 7 leading Russian enterprises are united, which produce 91% of liquid rocket engines and motor settings for spacecraft. As the Director General of NGO Energomash Igor Watermelov noted, in the framework of the engine-building holding, effective cooperation between enterprises is formed, the costs of creating new production facilities are reduced, the load is distributed both in production and in the CB.

“We began to change the approaches to the creation of rocket engines, this process is not fast, but it should become a new ideology in engine design,” added Igor Watermelov.

During 2021, a series of fire tests of several copies of the RD-171MV liquid rocket engine for the Soyuz-5 missile has been performed in the NGO-Test Complex of NGO Energomash. The test program is fully fulfilled. Also, NGO Energomash sent the RD-171MV engine to the RCC “Progress” (enters Roscosmos) for assembly and tests in the first stage of the carrier rocket. In 2022, the supply of RD-171MV for flight tests begins.

“Successful tests of RD-171MV is a merit and assessment of the result of the work of the whole team, since the creation of the engine and its further work depends entirely on the level of design and technological solutions,” said Deputy General Director, Chief Designer Peter Lyuzochkin.
/Media reports.