Dozens people died due to a fire on a ferry in Bangladesh

Dozens people died as a result shook on a crowded ferry in the south of Bangladesh. About this Reports BBC News.

According to the publication, the fire began when the ship, which followed the capital of Dhaka in the city of Barguan, was in the middle of the river. On board were about 500 people. Fleeing from the fire, some passengers jumped into the water. The victims of the incident were at least 37 people, more than 100 were injured.

BBC News notes that most passengers slept when the fire began. It is assumed that ignition began in the engine room and quickly spread to the rest of the ferry.

December 7 reported that dozens of people died and were injured as a result of a strong fire in prison in the capital of Burundi Giteg. All prison hangars caught fire, in addition, in which women were located.

/Media reports.