China: an aircraft carrier in desert

According to satellite images, Beijing would have built models of American warfrafts deployed in the Pacific, to use it as training targets.


An American aircraft carrier of 100,000 tons in the Chinese desert, it challenges. It is certainly only a model, blue, posed on rails. It is enough for these European satellite images, treated by Maxar Technologies and published on Sunday, November 7, are very commented by the observers of the People’s Liberation Army (APL). According to H. I. Sutton, a specialist in the military naval domain who decrypted the information on USNI News, the laminated facilities are “a novelty” which is “a much more sophisticated range” than the previous ones.

In the Xinjiang region, in northwestern China, on the flat lands of Taklamakan, it is a military site organized around mobile targets that appears, devoted to anti -avire missile tests. In addition to the model of an aircraft carrier of the Ford class, we can see those of two Destroyers of the Arleigh Burke type.

“Moving target”

Remains whether these installations really allow to test the delicate phases of the flight of a missile – accuracy to touch a boat that varies at 30 km / h, guidance and ultimate recalibration towards the target, impact of the typing on the enemy ship. Training on realistic targets is in any case a shared military practice. If the French no longer have the right to flow wrecks, the Americans still draw on objects at sea. The guardians of the Revolution, in Iran, would also have trained in 2015 to hit an American aircraft carrier – A reduced model has been seen in 2020, half capsome, in the port of Bandar Abbas.

After the first real firing of DF-21D missiles called “aircraft killers” in July 2019, China “A, in 2020, from the ballistic missiles against a moving target at the South China Sea, without having to have Recognized the facts, “says the US Department of Defense, in its report 2021 on the APL. For the latter, Antinavires weapons are a priority. They will be crucial in the event of a military crisis in Taiwan, to distance the fleet of the United States.

/Media reports.