US: called for stopping attack of Taliban Aviaudas

Republican leader in the US Senate Mitch Macconnell called on the administration of Joe Bayden to collapse with air strikes on the Taliban to stop their promotion in Afghanistan. This is stated in a statement published in his account in twitter .

According to McConnell, he communicated with the Afghan ambassador to the United States and discussed the worsening situation in the country and the humanitarian crisis.

“It’s not too late to prevent the” Taliban “to flood Kabul. The administration must act quickly and hit the attack” Taliban “(banned in Russia) with air strikes, provide critical support for the Afghan forces of national defense and security in the protection of the capital and Prevent, apparently, the fast fall of the city, “wrote McConnell.

According to him, if the current administration does not take action, the threat of security for the United States will definitely grow up, and the humanitarian price for any innocent Afghans will be catastrophically high.

August 13 and the United Kingdom announced the transfer to Afghanistan additional forces. They began landing in Afghanistan. 3 thousand American soldiers will arrive in Kabul already this weekend, August 14-15. And the British military in the coming days will help evacuate to their fellow citizens and Afghans who collaborated with the subjects of Great Britain.

/Media reports.