In United States doubted truth of mortality data from COVID-19 in country

The main infectiousness of the US Anthony Faucci doubted the truth of mortality data from COVID-19 in the country. He stated this on the air NBC TV channel, RIA Novosti reports.

in his opinion, the actual number of deaths from coronavirus infection in the United States exceeds official estimates. “We talked to the CDC (Center for Control and Prevention of Diseases – approx.” “) all this time said that, most likely, we take into account less than I believe that all this time we led and we lead incomplete Accounting, there is no doubt, “said Faucci.

In April, US President Joe Biden stated that the country had achieved a “stunning success” in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, in recent months the number of infections in the country decreased significantly. According to him, Washington expects that later be able to provide to those in need of countries as vaccines against COVID-19 and the technology of their production.

/Media reports.