WHO reports on spread of new mutations COVID-19

The World Health Organization (WHO) has reported that the coronavirus strain detected in the UK has already been identified in 60 countries and regions. TASS reports.

Thus, this is 10 more countries and regions than as of January 12. “There have been reports of imported cases or spread of this type of virus in local communities,” the organization said about the British strain of COVID-19.

In addition, the coronavirus mutation found in South Africa has been identified in three more countries, bringing the total to 23. The virus is present in four of the six WHO regions.

Over the period since January 12, a variety of coronavirus has been detected in Brazil. “There is not yet enough information to conclude whether these species are more infectious and whether the disease is more severe,” the organization said.

Earlier, scientists in the US state of California reported the discovery of an unknown coronavirus mutation. Scientists suggest that the CAL.20C mutation appeared in the state itself back in July last year, but until November it did not manifest itself in any way. At the moment, there is no evidence that the mutation is more deadly compared to other variants of the coronavirus.

/Media reports.