DBMS release PostgreSQL 15

After the year of development published the new stable branch of the DBMS postgresql 15 . Updates for the new branch will go within five years until November 2027.

main overexposure :

  • Added support for the SQL command “ meerge , reminiscent of the expression” insert … on Conflict “.
    Merge allows you to create conditional SQL expression that combines
    In one terms of the Insert, Update and Delete operation. For example, using Merge, you can organize a fusion of two tables, inserting the missing records and updating the existing ones. MERGE INTO customer_account ca USING recent_transactions t ON t.customer_id = ca.customer_id WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET balance = balance + transaction_value WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (customer_id, balance) VALUES (t.customer_id, t.transaction_value);
  • The algorithms for sorting data in memory and on the disk are significantly improved. Depending on the type of data in the tests, an increase in the rate of accuracy from 25% to 400% is observed.
  • The work of window functions is accelerated using row_number (), Rank (), Dense_rank () and Count ().
  • inadditiontothepreviouslyaddedpossibilityofasynchronousprocessingofrequeststoexternalservers.
  • Added possibility Using algorithms LZ4 and ZSTANDARD (ZSTDD ) to compress WAL transactions, which with some loads allows you to simultaneously increase productivity and save disk space. To reduce the recovery time after the failure, support is added to pages, pages, appearing in Wal Log.
  • To the PG_BASEBACUP utility added support for compression of files with backup copies on the server side using the GZIP, LZ4 or ZSTD methods. The possibility of using its own modules to do without the need to launch Shell Commander.
  • Added series multirange
/Media reports.