Modern AI rapidly cracks passwords: study

Home Security Heroes Warns About the Vulnerability of Passwords to AI Hacking

A new study from Home Security Heroes reveals the alarming fact that passwords are not as secure as we once thought. According to the study, password cracking by artificial intelligence (AI) can be quick and simple. Researchers used PassGAN, a generative network password, to crack passwords.

PassGAN uses two neural networks, a generator and a discriminator, that compete with each other to create new data and distinguish it from real data. The generator is trained based on errors it makes when creating new data, while the discriminator is trained based on errors it makes when identifying real and generated data. This training process takes place through Gan training, which is widely used in various areas of artificial intelligence, such as computer vision, language processing and generative models.

The study emphasizes that passwords are still the most commonly used method for protecting sensitive information. However, they are also the easiest way for AI to gain access to it. Therefore, passwords need to be long and complex enough to make it difficult for AI to crack them.

Home Security Heroes encourages the use of other methods, such as multifactor authentication and biometric authentication, to enhance the security of login systems.

Considering the ease with which AI can crack passwords, it’s time to rethink password security and explore other, more secure methods of protecting sensitive information.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.