Release of an integrated development environment Apache Netbeans 17

Apache Software Foundation introduced The integrated development environment apache netbeans 17 , which provides support for programming languages ​​Java Se, Java EE, PHP, C/C ++, JavaScript and Groovy. Ready assemblies formed for linux ( Snap , flatpak ), Windows and MacOS.

Among the proposed changes :

  • Added support for the JakArta EE 10 platform and improved support for some new Java 19 capabilities, such as comparisons by the template in Switch expressions. Preparations for the support of JDK 20 were carried out. Added additional tips for the Java code. To version 19.0.1, the NB-JAVAC (modified JAVAC) was updated in the Netbeans Java compiler. Added support for javadoc-tag @summary. Improved Java AST presentation during debugging. Improved indexation of initial texts with errors.
  • Improved support for the GRADLE assembly system. Access to the Java platform for not Java Gradle projects. The definition and autoconfiguration of proxy is implemented. Gradle Tooling API is updated to the 8.0-RC-1 version. In the interface, the options are cleaned.
  • Improved support for the Maven assembly system. The processing of the tracing of the stack is enabled. The definition and autoconfiguration of proxy is implemented. Added a hint to update dependencies. Updated versions of Maven 3.8.7 and Exec-Maven-Plugin 3.1.0. It is allowed to perform local indexation during the load of external indices.
  • , surrounded by PHP, support for new PHP 8.2 capabilities, such as classes in mode only for reading, types NULL, FALSE and True, determination of constants in types. Improved methods of methods in the types of enum.
  • Added support for OCI profiles (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure).
  • For Tomcat and Tomee, support is supported by Jakarta EE and Java EE.
  • surrounded by Web projects improved CSS support, the search for CSS-strokes without accounting for the register and optimized comparison when complementing CSS-questions.
  • some settings of the history of versioning.
  • In the code editor, it is possible to close all documents in the list at once. Antlrv4 Runtime is updated to version 4.11.1. Initial support for Antlr4 Lexer, which is translated
    Code for working with Antlr and Toml formats.
  • When launching in Linux, an automatic determination of the subpixel drawing mode of the text in KDE
  • is ensured.

/Media reports cited above.