Ubuntu 22.10 intends to provide support for cheap RISC-V Speed Licheerv board

Engineers from Canonical work to add to the release of Ubuntu 22.10 Support for 64-bit Speed ​​Licheerv, Using RISC-V architecture. At the end of August, also was integrated on support in Ubuntu RISC-V Allwinner Nezha and Starfive Visionfive, accessible to the sale of price 112 and 179 dollars. Speed ​​Licheerv is notable for only $ 16.90 and selling AliExpress, which makes an acquaintance with RISC-V architecture very affordable.

Sideed Licheerv board is built on the basis of the SOC Allwinner D1 with a single-core CPU Xuantie C906 (1.0GH), equipped with 512MB RAM, has a Micro-SD, USB Type-C OTG, SPI for connecting screen and interface m.2 b-Key 64-pin with wiring HDMI, RGMII, RGB, MIPI-DSI, SDIO, GPIO. As the main field of application is the creation of devices of the Internet of things.

/Media reports.