Debian 11.4 update

published The fourth corrective update of the DEBIAN 11 distribution, which includes the accumulated packet updates and the installation defects are eliminated. The release includes 81 updates with the elimination of stability problems and 79 updates with the elimination of vulnerabilities.

of changes in Debian 11.4, you can note the update to fresh stable versions of the packages Apache2, Clamav, Postfix, Network-Manager, Libtgowt, Nvidia-GRAPHICS Drivers, NVIDIA-PERSISTENCED, NVIDIA-SETTINGS, NVIDIA-XCONFIG, Telegram-Desktop, Ublock-Origin, USB.ids, Wireless-Regdb.
Elog and Python-Hbmqtt, which remained unaccompanied and having security and performance problems, are removed.

To download and install “from scratch” in the near future, Installations assembly , as well as live ISO-HYBRID C Debian 11.4. The systems installed previously and supported in current condition receive updates present at Debian 11.4 through the standard update installation system. Corrections of security problems included in the new Debian issues are available to users as updates go through

/Media reports.