Extreme right tries to make death of Jeremiah Cohen a “state scandal”

Eric Zemmour and Marine Le Pen denounce “concealment” of an anti-Semitic crime, five days before the first round of the presidential election. The bobigny floor stated that the survey does not so far allow to establish “discriminatory reasons”.

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Can the weight of images change the course of a presidential ballot? Twenty years ago, the tears of “Papy Voise”, this septuagenarian beating with Orleans before his house was set up, had invaded the news two days before April 21, 2002 – LCI had broadcast nineteen times the report. In one day – until becoming a symbol of insecurity in France. At the extreme right, many dream, in private, with a help of destiny that propels them to power. The reactions to the dramatic death of Jérémie Cohen, a young Jewish man overturned, on February 16th, by a tram in Bobigny while he fleeing a group of fifteen violent aggressors, is the illustration since Monday, April 4th – even if, according to the first elements of the investigation, the prosecutor doubts an anti-Semitic act.

At five days of the ballot, the case falls at Pic for Marine Le Pen and Eric Zemmour, who have the greatest trouble reacting to the terrible images of massacres in Ukraine and keep the Russians. The national rally candidate (NR) estimated, Tuesday on France Inter, that “a UN investigation” had to “determine who are the officials of these war crimes”. “We are typically in a situation where you have two mutually accusing belligerents,” she explained the day before. Eric Zemmour, he expressed doubts. “Let us beware of the pictures,” he reacted on France 2, Tuesday: “We must be careful. We must be sure that these massacres are the fact of the Russian troops.”

“Case stifled “

The far-right candidate was more comfortable talking about “railings” and “barbarians” responsible for the death of Jeremiah Cohen. He broadcast on Monday the video of the young man’s aggression, before withdrawing her at the request of the family. “Why no media, nor any politician, nor any members of the government talks about Jeremiah Cohen’s death, beaten by rails?” Tweeted Zemmour. Then “is he dead because Jewish? Why is this affair stifled?” The first items made a deceased “pedestrian” after being struck by a tram “, for lack of more information . It was then the Cohen family that discovered, multiplying calls to witnesses, which Jeremiah had been savagely assaulted, facts supported by the investigation.

Marine Le Pen immediately clutch, in the plotting vein, suggesting that “an anti-Semitic murder” had been in silence. “Did not have been trawling this awful (…) because we did not want to talk about that at the time of the presidential campaign? Why Has Has Has In Accident?” She asked Tuesday saying that a parliamentary inquiry would know “if this concealment was voluntary” – while a judicial instruction is in progress.

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/Media reports.