Distribution release Tails 5.0

formed the release of a specialized distribution Tails 5.0 (The Amnesic Incognito Live System), based on the DEBIAN package base and intended to ensure anonymous exit to the network. An anonymous exit to Tails is provided by the Tor system. All connections, except traffic via the Tor network, are blocked by default by a package filter. For storage of user data in the mode of conservation of user data between the launches, encryption is used. To download, prepared by ISO-image , capable of working in Live mode, 1 GB.

In the new issue:

  • The transition to the DEBIAN 11 package base (Bullseye) is made.
  • The user environment is updated to GNOME 3.38 (Issue 3.30 was previously used). The possibility of using a review mode for access to windows and applications.

  • Apple for working with Openpgp and a utility for key control and passwords are replaced by a certificate manager kleopatra developed by the KDE project.

  • By default, the function of automatic installation of additional programs selected by the user is included ( advental Software ) when starting Tails. Packages with additional programs are preserved areas of the drive designed for constant storage of user data (Persistent Storage).
  • Updated versions of the programs: tor Browser 11.0.11 , Mat 0.12 (with support for cleaning metadata From SVG, WAV, EPUB, PPM and MS Office files), Audacy 2.4.2, Disk Utility 3.38, Gimp 2.10.22, Inkscape 1.0 and Libreofide 7.0.
/Media reports.