Decentralized LF repository translated on an open license

available Edition LF 1.1.0 , decentralized replicated data warehouse in key / value format. The project is developing by the company Zerotier , developing a virtual Ethernet switch, allowing you to combine the hosts hosted from different providers and virtual machines in one virtual local network, participants which is exchanged data in P2P mode. The project code is written in Si. The new release is notable for the transition to a free license MPL 2.0 (Mozilla Public License).

Previously, the LF code was available under the BSL license. (Business Source License), which is not free due to discrimination of individual categories of users. The BSL license was proposed by MYSQL co-founders as an alternative to the Open Core model. The essence of the BSL is that the extended functionality code is initially available for making changes, but for some time it can be applied for free only when additional conditions are complied with the purchase of a commercial license.

LF is a fully decentralized system and allows you to deploy on top of an arbitrary number of nodes a single data warehouse in the key-value format. On all nodes, the data is stored in a synchronized state, and all changes are completely replicated between all nodes. All nodes in LF are equal to each other. The absence of individual nodes coordinating the work of the repository allows you to get rid of a single point of refusal, and the presence of a full copy of the data on each node eliminates the loss of information upon failover or disconnect individual nodes.

To connect to the network of the new node, it is not required to receive individual powers – anyone can start your node. The data model in LF is built on the basis of An oriented acyclic graph (DAG), simplifying synchronization and allowing to apply various conflict resolution strategies and security. In contrast to systems based on distributed hash tables (DHT), the IF architecture is initially designed to use in unreliable networks, the constant availability of nodes in which is not guaranteed. As regions of the application of LF, the creation of the maximum storage systems is mentioned, in which there are relatively small volumes of critical data, which rarely change. For example, LF is suitable for key repository, certificates, identification parameters, configuration files, hash and domain names.

/Media reports.