US: found an example of “post-democratic America” in one state

The situation in Texas, perfectly demonstrates how the United States will look like, if representatives of the Republican Party will come to power in the country. Such an example of “post-democratic America” ​​found the newspaper The Washington Post.

As the edition notes, this week, the lawmakers of Texas adopted several laws at once, which do not take into account the interests of women, representatives of the African American and Latin American population, as well as those who oppose the free weapon weapons. So, on September 1, the law entered into force the law prohibiting women to make abortions for more than six weeks. Its action applies even to those cases when pregnancy occurred as a result of rape or incest. At the same time, 85-90 percent of women usually make an abortion at later dates – thus this bill actually limited abortions in general, writes The Washington Post.

On the same day, despite the objections from law enforcement agencies, another law entered, allowing all state residents to freely wear weapons in public places. However, now this is not required to have a license or undergo special arms handling safety training.

before that, on August 31, the Texas legislators approved the final version of the voting bill, which would significantly limit the voting rights of Latin Americans and African Americans. This, in particular, is about the restriction of postal voting, prohibiting the round-the-clock work of polling stations, as well as the ban on such a type of voting, when voters can throw their newsletter into one of the boxes specially installed on the street without visiting the official polling station. Similar methods of voting are mostly colored voters.

As the newspaper adopted in Texas laws are essentially deeply anti-democratic and meet the interests of the Minority of the state of the state – the male voters supporting Republicans. Thus, 57 percent of the state inhabitants spoke out against the free weapon of weapons (“for” – only 36 percent), and 53 percent had a negative impact of the prohibition of abortions (approved it only 37 percent). Restrictions on the electoral process also did not find support among residents, including among Latin Americans, which account for about 40 percent of the state population.

According to The Washington Post, similar measures taken by Republicans can lead to the complete destruction of the principles of democracy not only in Texas, but also in other states. “This is what the Texas and other” red “[Propripian] states come to or have already come to the states. This is what the rest America comes, if those against whom these new laws are sent, – women, colored people and all democrats – not Renate, “- predicted in the article.

/Media reports.