Immunologist named a way to stop coronavirus pandemic in two weeks

The coronavirus pandemic can be stopped quickly with tough action. This method of fighting the infection was named by the immunologist-allergist Vladimir Bolibok in a conversation with the radio Sputnik .

The doctor suggested that the epidemic would end in two weeks, if at this time all people were locked up in their apartments and not allowed outside. In this case, the transmission chain of the virus will be terminated.

“Any textbook on epidemiology says: if you separate the infected and put them in strict quarantine, your epidemic stops, because the virus cannot exist in the human body forever. Either the body dies along with the virus, or the virus dies, and the body recovers “, – explained Bolibok.

He added that in practice it is difficult to implement such a plan, but it was precisely such tough measures that helped in China, Taiwan, South Korea, Vietnam.

Previously, a virologist Alexander Chepurnov said that quarantine in Russia should last at least two weeks in order to completely eradicate the infection. As an example, he cited the Chinese Wuhan, where the quarantine was tough and long, and this gave results.

November 16 also it became known that the authorities of Buryatia have introduced a two-week lockdown for fight against coronavirus due to a shortage of drugs and free beds in hospitals. All organizations will be closed in the region, except for stores with groceries and essential goods, pharmacies and communication salons.
