Canadian created a helmet to protect against coronavirus

Canadian inventor Ezin Al-Qaysi has created a helmet to protect against coronavirus. It completely covers the head and chest and also has a visor. In this form, the Canadian rides the subway in Toronto, reports BBC.

At the back of the unit is a battery-powered fan with a respirator filter that cleans the outside air. A 32-year-old man noted that many are looking at his device with curiosity and asking where the inventor got such a helmet.

Al-Qaisi named his device BioVYZR. According to the inventor, the helmet’s battery can last up to 12 hours on a single charge. He also said that currently about 10 thousand people have applied for the purchase of such a device.

The helmet is available on the website of his online store VZYR Technologies for $ 379 (29 thousand rubles).

Earlier, a specialist in infectious diseases, director of the Medical Center of the International University of La Rioja Vicente Soriano stated that patients who were wearing a mask at the time of infection with COVID-19 carry the infection easier. According to him, wearing masks can save you from a severe form of the disease.
