Determined best sleep duration for longevity

Scientists at Tulane University in New Orleans, USA, have found that sleep duration is critical to protecting against heart failure. Writes about this edition Express.

People with the healthiest sleep patterns have a significantly lower risk of heart disease, experts said. Thus, scientists have determined that the best duration of sleep for longevity is from seven to eight hours every night.

During the study, scientists observed 408 802 people aged 37 to 73 years, while 5221 of them had heart failure. It turned out that they had problems with sleep: some suffered from insomnia, others often woke up at night due to their own snoring, while others had too short sleep.

In August, specialists found out that in order to recover, during the day enough sleep for only 20 minutes. Sleeping for more than 20 minutes will result in deep sleep. It takes time to get out of it completely. In addition, if a person has an irregular working day, then an hour of sleep will benefit him. Also, when calculating the time of daytime sleep, you need to keep in mind the time to recover. This is especially true for people whose jobs are risky – factory workers or drivers.
