Russian pensioner removed eight-kilogram tumor that interfered with walking

In Tomsk, a 72-year-old pensioner removed an eight-kilogram ovarian tumor that prevented her from walking. Writes about this ” Rossiyskaya Gazeta “.

The operation was carried out in the gynecological department of the Semashko maternity hospital. “A huge tumor squeezed the abdominal organs and caused significant inconvenience to the body. The patient could hardly walk,” said the head of the department, Professor Alisher Makhmutkhodjaev.

The operation took over an hour. Despite the fact that the patient had a number of comorbidities and third degree obesity, the removal of the tumor was successful. The tumor was sent for histological examination. The patient feels well.

Earlier it was reported about a resident of Novosibirsk, who for four years took a huge a tumor in the ovary that continued to grow. The weight of the tumor reached 20 kilograms, it was removed by oncologists.
