Angler caught record-sized tautoga wrasse

A record-sized tautoga wrasse was caught off the coast of the US state of New Jersey. Fox News reports.

A large fish pecked when an angler Chris Sullivan (Chris Sullivan) a fishing rod from a ship in the Cape May area – the southernmost point of New Jersey. It took him just a minute to get her out of the water.

Onshore, the tautoga was measured with a scale certified for use in the New Jersey Fishing Record Program. It turned out that the fish weighs 11,567 kilograms, which is 85 grams more than the state record held since 2015.

Tautog wrasses are found off the Atlantic coast of North America. They tend to hide among rocks and other objects lying on the bottom, in which the line can become entangled. Because of this, tautogs are considered difficult to fish.

Previously it was reported that brown trout, also known as salmon trout, unprecedented size. The fisherman took a photo with his catch and then released the trout into the wild.
