Ultra-right gathered to infiltrate rally in support of Trump “incognito”

Members of the American ultra-right group “Proud Boys” gathered to infiltrate a rally in support of the current president Donald Trump “incognito”, according to The Hill.

According to the American edition, the ultra-right are going to come to the protest actions, which will take place on January 6, in all black, to be mistaken for representatives of the Antifa movement. It is noted that on January 6 US Congress must approve the results of the electoral vote.

Formerly acting US President Donald Trump announced a protest rally of his supporters on January 6 … Where exactly the rally will take place, the head of state promised to announce later. Trump has previously hinted at the possibility of a protest, but this time the president announced that he intends to present a lot of evidence of falsification of the election results.

On December 15, it became known that the US presidential candidate from Democratic Party a> Joe Biden received the electoral college votes needed to win the presidential race. Trump has repeatedly refused to admit defeat in the US presidential election. He believes Biden lost the election “by a wide margin in all six wavering states.”
