Virologist revealed connection between incidence of ARVI and blood group

Virologist Alexey Agranovsky stated that the blood group is associated with the incidence of acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI), but there is no 100% proof of this fact. He disclosed the relevant data in an interview with Zvezda TV channel on Saturday, January 2 .

“This is curious, and some correlations are possible, but with what they are directly related, with this circumstance [blood group] or with something that we do not know, it is not entirely clear. then statistical correlations, but if it is really important, it should be studied, and only then it will be possible to draw some conclusions, “Agranovsky said.

In November 2020 Rospotrebnadzor reported that the epidemic thresholds for the incidence of acute respiratory viral infection were exceeded in 42 Russian regions. On the territory of Russia, the incidence of ARVI is registered, “caused by respiratory viruses of non-influenza etiology, including parainfluenza viruses, adenoviruses, RS viruses,” the message said.

As of December 22, more than 83.14 million people in Russia have been vaccinated against influenza. This is more than half of the country’s population.
