A record of discussion in Belarusian KGB of murder of Pavel Sheremet has appeared

An entry appeared on the Internet, on which, allegedly, the former chairman of KGB of Belarus a> Vadim Zaitsev discusses the murder of a journalist with two employees of the “Alpha” anti-terrorist special unit Pavel Sheremet and other critics of the president Alexander Lukashenko . The “tape” was uploaded by Telegram – the opposition journalist’s NEXTA Live channel Stepana Putilo .

As stated in the description, the recording was made in April 2012, it was transferred to Brussels by a former employee of the Belarusian special forces Igor Makar. On the recording, “KGB officers” discuss ways of eliminating people who “crow” in Germany. Mentioned are Oleg Alkaev, Vladimir Borodach and Vyacheslav Dudkin .

Zaitsev declares that “the president is waiting for these clear measures”, it is necessary to “provoke a natural explosion, fire, murder.”

“You need to work with Sheremet, who *** (tired – approx. ” Lenta.ru “). Let’s make a bookmark of some kind and so on, so that this rat will not collect any arms or legs at all,” the KGB chairman also says on the note.

As reported by “Euroradio”, the “tape” was analyzed by an expert from the US National Center
